Searcy Eye Care and Vision Therapy - Ortho-K
One of the ways that our optometrists in Searcy, AR provide vision correction is with orthokeratology, which is also called ortho-k. Orthokeratology is a type of contact lens that is worn overnight. Decide if you should try ortho-k for yourself or your child as a way to correct nearsightedness or myopia in Searcy, AR.
About Ortho-K in Searcy, AR
Dr. Patricia Flippin-Westfall and Dr. Myrna Hanna at Searcy Eye Care and Vision Therapy specialize in vision correction therapies. Orthokeratology is one of the leading ways to correct vision while sleeping. Individuals who are good candidates for ortho-k therapy include:
Children with hyperactivity
Children over 6 years old
Adults who wear safety goggles or headgear during the day for work, i.e., welding, skiing, etc.
Individuals with nearsightedness
Patients who have myopia can use ortho-k hard contact lenses at night time to correct their vision. As a result, they are not required to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses during the day.
Who Needs Ortho-K
Adults and children who want to avoid wearing eyeglasses or contacts during the day to correct nearsightedness are ideal for ortho-k. Keep in mind, orthokeratology uses hard contact lenses made of glass to provide gentle but effective shaping of the cornea. Diagnosis for nearsightedness is also needed, which requires patients visit the optometrist for an eye exam.
Start Orthokeratology Therapy in Searcy, AR
Are you ready to correct your nearsightedness with orthokeratology in Searcy, AR? Call Searcy Eye Care and Vision Therapy at 501-268-3577 for an appointment. Schedule an eye exam with our eye doctors to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.